Thursday, 31 May 2007

thai boxing... a couple of lessons at school yesterday. this time lesson 1 was in smaller groups of about 6 people helping with English conversation.... subject soon gets around to music and sport...........they seem to be familiar with premiership teams and top players but dont seem to have a handle on music at all - there big stars are tata young and a band called endorphin.
lessons finished at 1100am then Sawapao our "guide" and Director of the school took us to Pak Meng beach about 10 mins away where we sat in 37 degree heat under palm trees eating spicy fish balls and a sweet coconut dish wrapped in palm leaves.....noone around...very quiet here - no tourists.
after that returned home and had a group chat with Khem our CCS manager where we could talk about our placements and how they were going. 2 of the girls innocently gave some money to their pre-school to buy a new fan (v poorly equipped place) and were poilitely told not to do it again. we (and i understand) shouldnt give gifts as the Thai people will come to expect it and that is not good for anyone.
in the evening we visited a Thai boxing training centre (nothing more than an open tin shack on the side of the road amongst rubber trees BUT boy could those lads fight!) very aggressive kicking and punching and kneeing to the chest with great speed, outside the ring they were happy to act as waiters passing around drinks and generally being very friendly. cool dudes.
there were olders guys who had been there, seen it and done it teaching the young bucks the art - very interesting, they were fit as fleas and very passionate with very little equipment. one of the lads was a national champion and he showed us his belt etc. some of us had a go (not me). emma the only other english person managed to kick the instructor in the testicles - very funny, although not for him.
then went for a meal at a nice restaurant in Trang - I had spicy chicken noodles - all the American contingent had pizza. i would have had fish and chips but they didnt do it.

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