Tuesday, 1 May 2007

typical me... i pay for everything and then ask people for donations to assist with the programme costs, flights etc.. :)
Would you trust this man??
If so all donations gratefully received : HSBC , Account: 11093541, Sort code: 40 24 10


Anonymous said...

Hey Barry hope you have arrived safe & sound. We are thinking about you here at Glynver as Eve has lunch with the boys after some cycling about in the garden. keep yourself safe and well love Sister in Law Fiona. XXXXXX

Anonymous said...

Hey baz
How's the culture shock?
It's cup final night and Henry has a bunch of mates around. They must have some booze stashed in the garden as they keep going outside to play football and it's gone 11.30.

I hope it's all going well. How do you like the heat? And the tucker?

We're feasting on thai chicken here right now. It's traditional to eat Thai food on cup final night in central nsw.

Have fun


Anonymous said...

hey baz
hows it going, hope you are having a good time, h vin tr ub e w th my k ybo rd.

Charlie Walker