Monday, 4 June 2007

teachie teachie.............

in school all day today. Taught 16 yr old and 18 yr old students. Gave a questionnaire to each of them in English and told them to fill it in. The standard of written English ranges from poor to very poor although one cannot fault their attitude and attentiveness. I was talking to Sawapao the school director and she says the problem is that the Thai English teachers give instruction in Thai about the English questions they are going to give. They do not learn this way.

The English teachers English is limited but we have a noticed a difference in their confidence about speaking since we have been here. This is a good thing. none of the English speaking teachers in this school have gained any of their English speaking qualifications in an English speaking country.
One lesson today was during a tropical rainstorm in a classroom with no A/C so all the windows were open wide, the noise was deafening and made talking to the students very difficult though never once was their concentration broken.

The feedback is very positive and since we have been there 4 more classes have requested to have us teach them. I must stress “teach” is a fairly grand description. We talk to them and help with their pronunciation. Basic stuff at the moment.

Gonna find the Thai Robbie Williams before I leave with the aid of my Ipod, speakers and song lyrics…

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