Tuesday, 19 June 2007

up a gear...

stand by your beds: http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/beejay44/trangtrip481.jpg
the young pretenders: http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/beejay44/trangtrip463.jpg
just when i'm settling in to teaching 12 - 18 year olds fairly basic English and grammar the stakes are upped. the Director of the school asked me to accompanyh her to a teacher training day in Kantang a town 20 miles away.l... all of a sudden im into Phonetics, Dipthongs, intonation, word stressing all sorts of mullarkey that apparently is crucial to the way we speak?
so here i am microphone in hand explainng to 40 teachers in my best English what a Dipthong is and which syllables in words are stressed... what fun! "sanouk"....... especially when i took my shoes off!
its really great all this teaching business - if only i had a chance to prepare. you're basically thrown in and winging it.........

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