Monday 28 May 2007

Morris dancing - Thai style.

full on day in the school .... 3 lessons - kids between 12 and 16. Classes between 30 and 40 students. really enjoyed it - having to wing it somewhat but start with the basics and repeat until you think of something new to say.....

teachers are great because we really are helping them if only on the pronunciation of words. the thai language is so different that (and we have the same problem in reverse) sounds like 'th', 's' at the end of words and the letter D at the end of a word is really difficult for theThai students.

it is so unusual to be in a position where everyone is looking at you and wanting to say Hello.

tomorrow the Head Teacher has asked for help with a speech she has to make in English to local dignitaries and Swedish delegates with regard to a joint Swedish/thai project.

Back to school.. it's a 1000 strong and i have not encountered any bad behaviour, ill discipline, attituded from any of the kids so far. they have respect built in - its admirable...

aaron the videographer from philadelphia arrived yesterday (a bloke! - we chewed the fat over a couple of cold ones this evening - a welcome change.....

the bar is a shop with no tables or chairs (until we managed to extract 2 plastic stools from the owners....) sitting on a busy road in trang in high humidity and half light we joked that this was all a man needed to feel satisfied

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