Thursday 31 May 2007

"Weesaka Bulshar" is a national holiday in Thailand for “Weesaka Bulshar” (this is probably a terrible transliteration but that’s what it sounded like.) the most important day in the Buddhist year. The day when Buddha was born, found enlightenment and died) its based on the lunar calendar and the full moon did us proud shining brightly over the temple we attended.
Because Buddhism is the religion of over 90% of the Thai population there were shed loads of people about. The highlight is where everyone including us following the Monks in a walk 3 times around the temple carrying a candle and a flower (symbolising the good Buddha has brought into the world). I found this very gratifying and noone (even though we were the only Farang among thousands) made us feel unwelcome. We saw the Mayor again (Charlie Gulaim) he insisted on more photos with us.
After the ceremony we went to a tea shop for iced tea (no alcohol on this day much to Aaron and my chagrine) but hey - when in Rome……..
Earlier in the day we went to the beach again although the sea nearest us a little murky and the beaches nothing on Kho Phi Phi….
Still we’ve booked a long weekend on Kho Ngai (hai) island where the beaches are top notch apparently.

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