Tuesday, 12 June 2007

have family will travel..

in class today of the boys was asked to move to the front by the teacher before i started my spiel..... he nonchalantly refused to and showed a little insolence (nothing more than a slight grimace and a shrug). teach was having none of it, she had a cure. she clumped him with a cane (yes a real cane about 3 ft long)......... not to hard but enough to make him realise he needed to move to the front of the class...............it didnt seem undeserved and he wasnt hurt. if that happened in the UK ??!! While we're on the subject of Thai ways. it never ceases to amaze me (and im sure it will continue to do so for the 3 months i am here) their laissez-faire attitude to road safety. there are no rules basically.

for motorbikes: no helmets, 5 people on one bike, TVs, 3 generations of one family, exotic birds in cages, toddlers, gardening tools, babies. they're all carried without a second thought.
for cars / trucks: as many people crammed in or on as possible, cattle strapped to the back, pigs in cruel single pens. i saw a plastic conduit strapped to the back of a vehicle doing about 60 - the thing was swinging about like a coconut palm in an earthquake (ive heard they do a fair bit of swinging) very amusing but quite dangerous... every morning on the way to school (about 25 miles) i see something "road safety challenged"

went to a hot spring after school today - could have done with a cold shower to be fair but it was good. they pump 70 degree spring water into baths and you wallow in them..........very mineral rich and good for you apparently...........

pic 1 : where i live http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/beejay44/trangtrip393.jpg
pic 2: have family will travel http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/beejay44/trangtrip385.jpg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old "one-on-a-bike-is-cissy" scenario. It's the same in Pakistan, only there they tend to pile-'em-high on pedal cycles rather than mopeds. Chap riding bike, two kids on the cross-bar, basket on the front with baby in it, mum on the carrier with one kid on her lap and another clinging on behind. On the motorway. Seriously!